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Welcome to the Active Travel Club

A family of six expert travel companies who have come together to create a free, members-only club giving you insider access to the latest holiday inspiration, discounts and promotions.

From a short break skiing powder in the Alps to a week sailing the pristine west coast of Scotland and countless adventures in between, we're passionate about delivering the very best human-powered holidays in awe-inspiring locations. With group and tailored holidays in the UK and across the globe throughout the year, the perfect adventure is waiting for you whenever and wherever you want to travel.


Member Benefits

  • Members-only deals and discounts

  • Early access to promotions

  • First to know about new products and trips

  • Discounts when booking multiple trips

  • Members-only ‘flash deals’ including heavily discounted last-minute trips

  • Opportunities to join ‘test’ trips in new areas at reduced costs

  • And more


 Join the Active Travel Club


Become a member today to access the best deals and discounts.

We value our place in your inbox and only send you occasional emails that we think will be helpful or inspiring.

We take no responsibility for the number of trips you plan once they arrive.

Here's to unforgettable adventures.